Keon's last visit to Sisay's office, getting a little practice walking in

At the Schoot's house for dinner

Sisay and Aliyah's final visit to 'akoo' (a long-standing tradition)

Mommy let Aliyah and Laurel get icecream at the food centerb )

Playing 'Scary Face', a highly involved and complex game the rules of which are too complicated to get into.

Another memory: Before Sisay got old, he and his buddies used to go to Douzan for coconut cake and chai every night after Mr. Dunbar's class. This was a final reunion

Negeen never let him forget that during the early years, she was never invited on these weekly excursions. The hard feelings have since been cleared up :)

Immediately after our farewell meeting with the Universal House of Justice, Negeen took pictures of us outside. This is one of the family.

One of our last times in Bahji with the Sobhanis. I will never ever forget how sweet Aliyah was on this day.

At Japanika, playing Scary Face again.

laurel! how nice that these photos are on your blog! we enjoyed those precious days so much. life here will never be the same for us without you, but we are so so happy for the beautiful life you three have started.
ReplyDeletelove you guys soooooo much.
your sister,
and a small correction, i was actually sipping my indian chai and sharing a coconut cake with sisay and friends at douzan on thursday nights... what i wasn't invited to were the frequent movie nights at his place when i had just arrived. but i was new then, so i forgive him. :)