Sisay's dear mother passed away a couple weeks ago due to complications from heart surgery. It came as quite a shock, especially since we were so eager for her to meet her first grandchild. But Baha'u'llah had other plans...And by now I am sure grandmother and grand-daughter are well acquainted. In the end, she got to meet her before any of us.
Sisay was thankfully able to go to Ethiopia to be with his family, and Samaya waited patiently for her daddy to return. A scary feeling to be separated from your spouse by so many miles and to be so close to giving birth.
The world works in mysterious ways--here we are awaiting a child who began in the Holy Land, has already been on pilgrimage, and is now living beside Green Acre where Abdu'l-Baha's footsteps are scattered across the grounds. As I write this from our little cottage on Louis Gregory's property, I can see my grandmother's house across the street where I lived for five years. She was and undoubtedly still is a spiritual giant and an amazing healer. For months now I have strongly felt her presence and know she is watching out for this tiny one- especially as she prepares to make her entrance into this world.
And now Sinidu, Samaya's grandmother, has joined forces with Dr. Mary, my grandmother. You are well protected, little child.
As one angel moves on, another prepares to move in. We have decided to name our daughter Samaya Sinidu Yasmeen Sabera in honor of her deeply devoted and loving grandmother who served her family and her faith tirelessly.
We love you Amaye.