Introducing Samaya Sinidu Yasmeen Sabera...
8 lbs. 5 oz.
21 inches
Lots of hair

She's here! And she's perfect. And bigger than we thought. And definitely Ethiopian (I win, Sisay. Better luck next time ;)
Samaya was born at home in the water and was welcomed by her parents and three angelic midwives. It was everything I expected it to be: the hardest and best thing I will ever ever do. A quick rundown of the birth:
I woke up Sunday morning feeling like something was happening. It was very subtle, but I knew this was the beginning. Sisay went to work (and called me about every half hour), I kept in touch with the midwives, and by 9 PM our midwife Maureen joined us. It was just getting to the point where I had to focus on the contractions (or rushes, as Ina May prefers). Through it all, even when I expressed myself exuberantly through each contraction, my dear sweet beautiful husband calmly comforted and encouraged me, held my hand, rubbed my back, gave me water, never for one moment let me feel any fear or anxiety. I spent a good deal of time in the shower, which helped like you wouldn't believe, and Sisay was actually able to sleep for a while.
Around 4 AM I got in the birth tub, at which point things were so intense that I really wonder how so many others give birth without the huge relief of water. The other two midwives arrived just as I was pushing and about 45 minutes later- at 6:34 AM on June 15- I caught our firstborn and brought her up to the surface. She screamed sooo loudly, clearing her lungs within a couple minutes, that they never even suctioned her.
Sisay literally leaped up and hugged and kissed our midwives. I cried with intense gratitude as I held this new human being to my chest.
Sisay and I sung her the prayers we have sung her every night for nine months and the look of wrapt attention that came over her was something even the midwives had never seen in a minutes-old person. With eyes wide open, she looked back and forth between Sisay and I, listening with her whole being. It is a moment forever etched in our memories.
Thank you Great Grandma Mary and Grandma Sinidu. And thank you Baha'u'llah for this undeserved precious gift. May we serve her well.